There is a lot at stake on November 6.
We will be voting on ballot initiatives that impact affordable housing, access to clean
water, schools, healthcare, roads and other public services. We will decide who will
represent us at the federal, state, and local levels.
Our communities will have a powerful voice this election on the future of our state
– but only if we vote. Democracy cannot work for us until it includes us. By voting
together, we can win policy changes that lift us all up by rebuilding our neighborhoods,
supporting our families, and restoring the promise of opportunity.
To learn more about what is in the ballot check out the Voter Guide (SPANISH) (ENGLISH)
<<<<YES on 10>>>>>
Proposition 10, the Affordable Housing Act is a ballot measure that will restore the right of local communities to set fair limits on rent increases on all types of homes in order to address the state’s housing affordability crisis by repealing the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act.
Learn more with the Prop 10 FAQ Sheet
Vote Tuesday, November 6th!