In 2020, East LA Community Corporation (ELACC) reached its 25-year anniversary. In its 25 years, ELACC has built and acquired approximately 750 apartment units and 40 commercial spaces. We have led and participated in many campaigns, not the least of which were campaigns to legalize street vending and ensure Metro surplus land was used for affordable housing development. We have fed thousands of families through our food distribution, supported the financial stability of thousands of families through our financial literacy and tax preparation programs and created new home buyers through our home buyer education program. We have changed the neighborhood forever, creating options for local residents to stay in their neighborhood for as long as they wish. We have done this via a process that advocates for our community; that works with community members to express a neighborhood identity that is powerful and vocal about the needs of low-income people of color.
But this is all History. Good History… but history nevertheless. What is most important is to determine ELACC’S future. ELACC’S Strategic Plan is essential to our future.
Find more information about our strategic plan here.